Wednesday, October 19, 2022



Islamic constitution is also called Sharia law.  Non-Muslims have the following rights in Sharia law:

1• Non-Muslims have the right to freedom of religion.  They can adopt any religion of their choice.

2• Non-Muslims have full right to freedom of expression, which is not even available to the majority in a country like India.  Explanation: For example, in India or in democratic countries like India, if a person belonging to the majority class uses derogatory language against a prophet, he can be arrested and punished by registering an FIR against him.  But under Islamic Sharia law, even if a non-Muslim has used abusive words for an Islamic prophet, then that non-Muslim cannot be taken into custody, it is a far cry from punishment.

The statement that , cut  the head from body, is a far-fetched thing.  Muhammad sahab said that it was wrong to take a non muslim into custody even if he had spoken something abusive for him.   Many such peole in police custody were presented in front of Muhammad, who were accused of speaking abusive words about Muhammad.  Muhammad asked the police officers of that time that they should be released immediately if there were no other charges in addition to this charge, because it is illegal detention and illegal detention is a violation of human rights.  I do not understand that when there was no such law in the time of Muhammad, then how did this law come into existence after him?

But yes, if a person has done the same act by declaring himself a Muslim, then the order for him is to cut his neck by following the law of " Gustakh- E- Rasool  ki saza Sar tan se Juda "

3• Full freedom to non-Muslims to celebrate their festivals

4• Complete freedom to celebrate one's own customs

5• Rights against exploitation etc.


Do Jews consider Muslims as their Counterparts?


It is said that Jews often do not consider Muslims as their Counterparts.Because the Jews are proud of themselves.  And there is a good reason behind being arrogant:

1. Israel, a nation of Jews, has been given priority over all nations.A cooked meal called "man salva" was sent down from heaven for the Jewish people, which was not sent down to any other nation.

2. God had a direct communication with the Prophet of the Jews, Hazrat Musa, while this communication with other prophets took place through an angel.

3. On this earth, God gave his vision to the prophet of the Jews, whereas he did not give this vision to the other prophets.

4. There was an unintentional murder of the Prophet of the Jews, Hazrat Musa.  For this unintentional murder, God forgave Moses and kept him free from the punishment of this world and the punishment beyond this world, while the other prophets were told in advance that they would have to face severe punishment even for the smallest mistake because they  That's why they are prophets.  Hearing this command of God, all the prophets kept on protecting themselves a lot so that not a single mistake should be made from them.

5. The miracle of the stick turning into a snake was given only to Hazrat Musa.

For these reasons, Jews often do not consider Muslims as their counterparts.




According to pupular Hindu mythology Ganga and Yamuna are supposed to be the holiest rivers of the world. These rivers contain those minerals and chemicals which are capable of protecting human beings from different diseases. From religious view point many Hindus call these rivers-"Maiya" means mother. These rivers are like people's mother. The way mother protects their children so as these rivers do , is the belief of our Hindu brothers. But what I have experienced sins are not washed away by bathing in Ganga-Yamuna.  Our Hindu brother's religious  belief is a different matter.  Sins are washed away by tears of repentance.  Even a tear of repentance has the power to wash away the sins committed continuously for a thousand years.  Perhaps this is why it has been said in Islam that after the arrow is released from the command, after the bullet is released from the gun, after the snake has left, by beating the line, after the bird has eaten the field, the benefits that can be gained by repenting only which otherwise  cannot be done.  Therefore all these proverbs are considered meaningless under Islam.  According to Islam, a perfect man (Mahatma) is one who before doing any work did not think about what would be the consequences but after making a mistake is now banging his head.  In Hinduism, such a person is called ignorant and the above proverbs are applied to him, but in Islam, such a person is called the most superior, but such a person who does not know how high his place is in the eyes of God. 


Management of Muslims's Cemetery when it is fully occupied with Graves


Generally the grave is allowed to remain unpaved.  And in a year or two, due to rain, storm, etc., the raw grave becomes level and the dead body kept inside it gets mixed in the soil, then another dead body can be buried by digging at that place.  But if for some reason the ground is not level and the place is in the shape of a grave, then the digging   that place is not proper even if the dead body kept inside it has been found in the soil.  And if the ground is even, but on digging, the dead body or any part of it is visible, then in such a situation it is not appropriate to dig further, but the excavated should be covered with soil by giving it the shape of a grave.

It is not advisable at any cost to excavate a concrete grave, even if it is a thousand years old.  Yes, if due to the time gap, the concrete grave also becomes level with the soil and its bricks are scattered here and there and it is difficult to find out where the original grave was, then it is appropriate to excavate such a place to bury another dead body.  And if the whole cemetery is filled with concrete graves, then it is appropriate to bury the dead in another cemetery.


Islamic Concept of Expression of Sexuality


See, there can be two types of men or women, either very bold or shy.  Women have often been showing shame in front of their husbands as well.  Often they have been giving tacit approval on the initiative taken by their husbands.  Often women have been hesitant to tell their husbands which sex behavior they like and dislike.  I have had healthy and decent friendships with many co-workers at my workplace.  Those women told me that they expect their husbands to do and not to do this and that they wait for that behavior but are unable to tell their husbands that their husbands should consider them a unchaste woman.

Many women also reported that sometimes they have a strong desire, but if their husbands are expressing reluctance or are tired, they also try to arouse their husbands by romantic talk.  Many wives lay their heads on the chest of their husbands.

As far as the sexual expression of Muslim women in front of their husbands is concerned, Muslim wives are often afraid to express themselves directly.  They start praising their husbands for being intrinsically capable like- "You are very powerful. You are always ready. You read your wife's mind. You are not like my friend's husband.  My friend is sad all the time".

As far as the religion of Islam is concerned, Islamic texts say that wives should not be shy or intimidated in the presence of husbands for their sexual expression, but utmost attention should be paid to privacy.  Intimate moments with husband should be fully enjoyed.  If complete satisfaction is not achieved after having intercourse once, then the husband should be motivated to have intercourse again.  The wife should herself take the initiative to caress and kiss every private part of the husband.Husbands should also take care of their wife's wishes. One should not do intercourse directly, but sexual intercourse should be done only after stimulating the wife completely through love and affection. In Islam, the husband's own satisfaction during sex has been described as selfishness. Playing the role of foreplay in Islam during sexual intercourse is said to be very important. But the role of foreplay has not been placed only on the husband, but the wife has to fully cooperate with the husband during foreplay.

But the irony is that even in today's modern era, many Muslim wives are hesitant and shy to take such initiative and are seen just waiting for the expected behavior from the husband like ordinary wives.  If husbands unknowingly display sexual behavior according to the wishes of their wives, then the wives are satisfied and if in a hurry, husbands only satisfy themselves but are unable to take care of their wives, then the wives remain frustrated for the whole day and  their children become the victims of their frustration.  They scold their children for no reason and even beat them up.Muslim wives ought to  participate in the act of foreplay. In Islam, sexuality is not only considered as a means of procreation, but it has also been considered as an important process of attaining infinite pleasure. That is why such Muslim wives who do not participate in the act of foreplay, on the one hand they are deprived of unlimited happiness and on the other they spoil the mood of their husbands as well. Their husbands do not get the happiness they deserve.

In conclusion, it can be said that Muslim wives should openly express their sexual desire to their husbands.They ought to take initiatives in foreplay during love making process.  If their husbands are not ready for intercourse, then they should continue to have intercourse with their husbands by making them ready for intercourse by any means; by caressing, kissing, licking their private parts.  It should always be remembered that there is no prohibition of legal intercourse in Islamic texts but it is encouraged.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022


In Hinduism and Islam, the concepts of a perfect man or a great person are different.  According to Hindu religion, if a person has done good deeds or bad deeds, he will definitely get his fruits.  This is clearly mentioned in the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita.  The concept of "Nishkaam Karma" of the Bhagavad Gita indicates that keep doing the work without the desire to get the result, because the fruit of the action is already contained in the activity  / action you do, so what is the use of worrying about it.  Thus, according to Hindu religion, a perfect person  is one who continues to do good deeds and does not have any bad deeds in his account.

But  according to Islam, the best person is the one who is completely free from unpardonable crimes.  But if something goes wrong with it, keep banging your head.  Islam religion has completely rejected some proverbs whose details are as follows-

1• Keep beating the line after the snake has left.

2• Now what happens when the bird devours the field

3• Nothing can happen after the arrow is fired from the command

4• After the bullet is fired from the gun, nothing can happen

According to Islam, the best person is the one who does not believe in these proverbs at all.  According to Islamic belief, if someone wants to be the best in the eyes of God, then he should make a habit of beating the line after the snake has left.  Similarly, after the arrow shoots out of the bow, one should inculcate the habit of beating his head.  According to the Islamic concept, God is not at all angry when a person has made a mistake, but is angry when he repeats that mistake again and again and continues to justify his wrong point with dogma.  If someone makes a mistake and he regrets it, then God not only forgives his mistake, but God also gives that person the best place.

That is why according to the Islamic concept, the best person is considered to be that person who before committing a sin does not think about what will be its result, but after committing the sin, weeps and keeps on beating his head.

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Concept of Chastity in Hinduism and Islam

Purity or chastity  is defined differently in Islam.  According to Hindu religion, if one has followed Brahmacharya, that is, has kept his semen safe, then he is pure.  This concept of Hinduism is related to the purity of man.  Purity  of thoughts also lies under this concept.  While following celibacy, if any erotic thought comes to mind, then the purity of the man is considered to be violated.

But in Islam, it is considered impure that man who has physical contact with a nameless woman.  The purity of a man or a woman is not disturbed by the mere thought coming into the mind.  According to the beliefs of Islam, if a woman has violated her modesty while following the legal process, then that woman can never be considered impure.  Similarly, if a man has ejaculated due to masturbation and other reasons, then he cannot be considered impure, but on the provocation of a nameless woman, ejaculation occurs due to taking her internal man( Penis) in her hand, rubbing  on any of her limbs.  If so, according to Islamic point of view, it will be considered as an attempt to rape the man by the woman and even if there is no act of sexual intercourse, it will be considered as a breach of the sanctity of the man.  But if someone's wife has coerced sex with her husband, it will not count as rape and the man's chastity will be maintained.

In this connection, I remembered an incident from my student life.  There were about 25 students in our M. Ed class, 16 girls and 9 boys.  There was a lot of friendship between all of us female and male students, but one of our male companions used to have a lot of friendship with other male students but did not even talk to any student, not even Salaam Dua.  Actually that student was a foreigner.  He was from Palestine.  He was a very smart, tall and handsome young man of fair complexion.  Such was the effect of his personality that no girl student could dare to propose him.  While many girls wanted him with all their hearts.  With many excuses the girls tried to talk to him but he did not answer and kept on walking with his eyes low.  Now the fame of that student had reached even the girl students of B. Ed class.  The students of B•Ed class always used to hover around that student on the pretext of notes, on the pretext of explaining something, to suggest about the books but he did not see face to face and did not give any answer.

 The road to the library went through the B.Ed class.  He was going to issue a book from the library with me.  As soon as we passed in front of the B•ed class, about 20-25 girl students surrounded both of us.  And all kinds of remarks started tightening on that boy and they said that we will not let him go until he looks at us.  But funny!  The boy did not even look at them at any cost and did not give any answer.

 Then all the girls of M•Ed class did a planning together.  He told one of our teachers who used to teach us a subject called "comparative education", that this fellow does not talk to girls, get him to talk to us in any way, ma'am.  Madam spoke directly to him one day and said - "Son, from today you have to talk to girls. Look son, it is very good to be friends with girls. And if you consider it a crime, then son it is wrong. Madam said this to the boy during the entire M. Ed class.

But the answer he gave to Madam was astonishing.  He said- "Ma'am I respect you very much. You are my master and I am  incapable of disobeying the orders of the master and from  the point of view of Islamic Shariya law also it  is not correct to disobey the commands of a teacher. I want permission to make a statement."

The girls of the class started jumping on hearing this as if their wish had come true.  They would go to Madam again and again and thank her.  Seeing the faces of the girls, it seemed that how would they be able to contain so much happiness.  But Madam pacified the girls and said, let me listen to the whole thing.  Madam said- "Yes son! Now tell me you were talking about some of your weakness?"  He said- "Ma'am you yourself, all my male and female companions are very strong mentally and emotionally but I am very weak ma'am, too weak! My male companions, talk with female companions, make friends but  because of their mental and emotional strength, this friendship can last without any harm ma'am but it is not like this with me ma'am!  The thought and desire of intercourse with companions will arise. And ma'am, if even once in my mind sexual feelings arise for any female partner, then at the same time I will become impure and will also fall in my own eyes. I don't know more.  Ma'am, if I die, my this world and the world hereafter all will be ruined. Just ma'am! This is what I always fear because of my weaknesses. There is nothing other than this, ma'am!"

All of us students were listening to his words silently and when our attention turned towards Mam, we saw that she was crying without making any sound.  After this there was silence in the whole class.  Ma'am gestured and called the boy to her and said son, just stand here.  When he stood up, Madam said, son, do not move away from here until I tell.  While he stood there, Mam got up from her place with lightning speed and immediately sat down at his feet and clung to his knees.  As long as that boy could understand something, Mam immediately stood up straight and said to him - "Son, forgive me that you must have felt bad that your teacher sat at your feet but son it was very important here that a modest and a  very holy spirit resides inside the visible human body. I had to pay respect to that holy spirit, so I did it."  The boy remained unanswered.

After this incident, he became more and more favorite of everyone in the whole college, but no boy or girl would make any remarks on him, rather everyone would go ahead to do his work.  The boy often used to say that the love and respect that he got from Indians, no one in his family gave him that much respect.

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Tips for Free Access to Heaven: Islamic Interpretation

According to Islamic ethical theory there will be the group  people who will have free access to Heaven although they may not have had good deeds in their accounts. Good deeds without any doubt has its worth but in God's Eyes the parameters of good and bad significantly differ from those of human beings.

From human view point a person is good if good deeds are performed by him/her by any means. But according to Islamic theory intention is more important that actions. Even a bad deed is counted under good deed if there is no bad intention. Perorming good deeds does not always lead us to Heaven but still our good intentions always add to our status in life hereafter. There are some conditions for a person allowing him free access to heaven which are as under: 

  1. Monotheistic Belief

The eligibility for entrance to heaven is having  monotheistic belief.  Keep in mind that no atheist and polytheist, no matter how many good deeds he has done, cannot go to heaven. 

2• Belief in All Prophets, all angels and all Religious Texts:

To express faith in all the prophets, angels and religious texts of the world is mandatory for having free access to heaven.

3• Performing Good Deeds with Pridelesss Feelings:

Keep doing good deeds as much as one can but never let the slightest thought of pride or ego come in your mind after doing such good deeds.

4• Always Expecting Forgiveness from God

Keep this feeling in your mind at all times that you are the great sinner of this world and may God forgive your sins. These feelings will encourage you to repent on your acts and repentance is the greatest virtue in the Eyes of God. 

Explanation: The messenger Muhammad is considered to be the originator and patron of the religion of Islam.  Muslims believe that the Messenger of Islam Prophet Muhammad did not commit any sin in his entire life.  When many people used to visit his house to meet him for some work, he would often find him crying in tears.  The messenger Muhammad used to cry and say - "O God! I am the great sinner of this world, forgive my sins."

5• Beating the streak after the snake has left:

The people who beat the streak after the snake has left or the people who beat their heads after the bird has eaten the field often attain heaven. Their act of repentance definitely leads them to heaven.

6• Always Being Hopeful from God

Those who expect good from God even though they might of have commited countless sins and having no good deeds in their accounts,  get free access to heaven just because 

7• Telling a Lie with Good Intentions:

One who tells a lie for the purpose of pleasing a low level person definitely attains heaven.

8• Repentance after Guilt

Such a great sinner who before committing a sin did not think about what be its consequences would be, but after committing a mistake, his head was beating.  Such a person attains heaven very easily.

9• Breaking Oath for the Consideration of a Friend 

A person who is angry with a friend and vows never to talk to him in life, in front of whom that friend is present, then he cannot fulfill his vow even for five minutes, the gates of heaven will remain open for such a person. 

10• Thinking Lowly

Soft spoken person and one who praises and worships only God but feels lowly will definitely be the owner of heaven

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