Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Tips for Free Access to Heaven: Islamic Interpretation

According to Islamic ethical theory there will be the group  people who will have free access to Heaven although they may not have had good deeds in their accounts. Good deeds without any doubt has its worth but in God's Eyes the parameters of good and bad significantly differ from those of human beings.

From human view point a person is good if good deeds are performed by him/her by any means. But according to Islamic theory intention is more important that actions. Even a bad deed is counted under good deed if there is no bad intention. Perorming good deeds does not always lead us to Heaven but still our good intentions always add to our status in life hereafter. There are some conditions for a person allowing him free access to heaven which are as under: 

  1. Monotheistic Belief

The eligibility for entrance to heaven is having  monotheistic belief.  Keep in mind that no atheist and polytheist, no matter how many good deeds he has done, cannot go to heaven. 

2• Belief in All Prophets, all angels and all Religious Texts:

To express faith in all the prophets, angels and religious texts of the world is mandatory for having free access to heaven.

3• Performing Good Deeds with Pridelesss Feelings:

Keep doing good deeds as much as one can but never let the slightest thought of pride or ego come in your mind after doing such good deeds.

4• Always Expecting Forgiveness from God

Keep this feeling in your mind at all times that you are the great sinner of this world and may God forgive your sins. These feelings will encourage you to repent on your acts and repentance is the greatest virtue in the Eyes of God. 

Explanation: The messenger Muhammad is considered to be the originator and patron of the religion of Islam.  Muslims believe that the Messenger of Islam Prophet Muhammad did not commit any sin in his entire life.  When many people used to visit his house to meet him for some work, he would often find him crying in tears.  The messenger Muhammad used to cry and say - "O God! I am the great sinner of this world, forgive my sins."

5• Beating the streak after the snake has left:

The people who beat the streak after the snake has left or the people who beat their heads after the bird has eaten the field often attain heaven. Their act of repentance definitely leads them to heaven.

6• Always Being Hopeful from God

Those who expect good from God even though they might of have commited countless sins and having no good deeds in their accounts,  get free access to heaven just because 

7• Telling a Lie with Good Intentions:

One who tells a lie for the purpose of pleasing a low level person definitely attains heaven.

8• Repentance after Guilt

Such a great sinner who before committing a sin did not think about what be its consequences would be, but after committing a mistake, his head was beating.  Such a person attains heaven very easily.

9• Breaking Oath for the Consideration of a Friend 

A person who is angry with a friend and vows never to talk to him in life, in front of whom that friend is present, then he cannot fulfill his vow even for five minutes, the gates of heaven will remain open for such a person. 

10• Thinking Lowly

Soft spoken person and one who praises and worships only God but feels lowly will definitely be the owner of heaven

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