Thursday, August 15, 2024


Jesus Crucifixion


The pupular belief of Christianity asserts that Jesus was crucified for the cause of humanity. But Quranic verses denies this connotation that Jesus was crucified  on the cross. What exactly Quraan states that  Jews purpose to send a spy in his room to locate his exact position. To spy on him a man was sent by the Jews to his room to check for his presence, then he was taken out of the room and hanged on the cross.  As soon as the man went into the room, he saw that Jesus was in the room, so he happily came to tell the people that Jesus is present there, send them to the soldiers and get them arrested immediately.  But in the meantime, God changed the face of that spy.  Made that spy in the form of Jesus Christ.  As soon as people saw that the person who came out of the room was Jesus Christ, then people said that hold them, but he kept saying again and again that I am the one sent of you who had gone to seek the reconnaissance of Jesus Christ.  Leave me, leave me  But people did not listen and said that he is trying to run away from here by misleading us.  You are Jesus.  In this way, people hanged the spy who went to seek the reconnaissance of Jesus on the cross as Jesus Christ.  And God raised Christ alive from his room through an angel to the sky and put the opponents of Christ in a new dilemma.

One of them, who was considered sensible, said, just go to the room of Jesus Christ and assess the situation.  So everyone entered his room together and saw that the room was completely empty.  So one of them said that we must have a spy in this room because we were surrounded by this room and if the detective came out of this room, no one saw him, then he must be here.  Then if we have hanged that spy on the cross by mistake, then where did Jesus Christ go?  Seeing all this, the opponents of Christ himself were confused.  This incident is mentioned in the Qur'an as follows- "They (the opponents of Christ) played a trick with us, then we also played a trick with them."

From Islamic view point, Jesus Christ is still alive today.  His age is more than 2024 years.  At this time he is probably present on some other planet beyond the earth (under scientific terminology, but in our language he is placed by God in a living state on the fourth sky).  The death of Jesus Christ will be attained only on this earth. 
