Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Vallabhacharya's Concept of Salvation

Vallabhacharya, also known as Vallabha, was a Hindu philosopher and the founder of the Pushti Marg sect, which emphasizes the worship of deity Krishna as the supreme deity. Vallabhacharya's philosophy revolves around the concept of Shuddhadvaita, which means pure non-dualism. According to Vallabhacharya, the ultimate goal of human life is to attain salvation, which he defines as the realization of the divine love of  Krishna. In this essay, we will explore Vallabhacharya's concept of salvation and the path he prescribes to achieve it.

Vallabhacharya believes that the universe is a manifestation of shri Krishna, and everything in it, including human beings, is a part of Him. However, due to ignorance, humans have forgotten their true nature and become attached to worldly pleasures, leading to their suffering. The only way to break free from this cycle of birth and death is to realize one's true identity as a devotee of Krishna and surrender oneself completely to Him.

Vallabhacharya stresses the importance of Bhakti or devotion as the means to attain salvation. He believes that Bhakti should be practiced with love and devotion, without any expectation of reward or fear of punishment.Vallabhacharya also emphasizes the need for Guru or a spiritual teacher to guide the devotee on the path of Bhakti. The Guru is essential to help the devotee understand the scriptures, overcome obstacles, and strengthen their faith.

According to Vallabhacharya, there are five stages of Bhakti, which he calls Pancha-Bhava. The first stage is called Santa Bhava, where the devotee develops a peaceful and calm attitude towards the world. The second stage is called Dasya Bhava, where the devotee develops a servant-like relationship with Krishna. The third stage is called Sakhya Bhava, where the devotee develops a friendly relationship with shri Krishna. The fourth stage is called Vatsalya Bhava, where the devotee develops a parental relationship with shri Krishna. The fifth and final stage is called Madhurya Bhava, where the devotee develops a romantic relationship with shri Krishna.

Vallabhacharya believes that the ultimate stage of Bhakti is Madhurya Bhava, where the devotee experiences divine love and union with shri Krishna. This stage of Bhakti is attained through the practice of Seva or selfless service to shri Krishna and his devotees.

Vallabhacharya's concept of salvation is unique in that it emphasizes the importance of devotion and love towards shri Krishna as the means to attain liberation. He rejects the traditional paths of Karma, Jnana, and Yoga, which he believes are not suitable for the Kali Yuga, the present age. Instead, Vallabhacharya prescribes the path of Bhakti, which is accessible to all, regardless of their social status, gender, or caste.

In conclusion, Vallabhacharya's concept of salvation revolves around the practice of Bhakti or devotion to  Krishna. Through the practice of Bhakti, the devotee can realize their true identity as a devotee of Krishna and attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Vallabhacharya's philosophy emphasizes the importance of love, devotion, and surrender to  Krishna and the role of the Guru in guiding the devotee on the path of Bhakti.


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