Saturday, April 29, 2023

Concept of Ascension in Qur'an


The concept of Meraj (also known as the Night Journey or Ascension) is an important event in Islamic tradition, which refers to the journey of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the heavens and beyond. It is believed to have taken place in the year 621 CE, during the early years of Islam, when the Prophet was in Mecca.

The story of Meraj is narrated in the Quran and Hadith (the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad). According to the accounts, the journey began when the Prophet was asleep in the house of his cousin, Umme Hani. The Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) appeared to him in his dream and brought him a winged horse called Buraq. The Prophet mounted the Buraq, which had the speed of lightning, and traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem in the blink of an eye.

Upon reaching Jerusalem, the Prophet alighted from the Buraq and led the other prophets in prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. After that, he was taken on a spiritual journey through the seven heavens, where he met various prophets and angels and received revelations from Allah (God). Each heaven was more magnificent than the previous one, and the Prophet saw wonders that no human had ever seen before.

Finally, the Prophet reached the highest point of the heavens, where he met Allah himself and received the commandments of Islam, including the daily prayers (Salah) and the obligation of fasting (Sawm) during the month of Ramadan. He also saw Paradise and Hell and the souls of the deceased being rewarded or punished according to their deeds.

After the journey, the Prophet returned to Jerusalem and then to Mecca, where he narrated the events to the people. The concept of Meraj is significant in Islamic theology as it affirms the Prophet's prophethood, strengthens the believers' faith, and emphasizes the importance of prayer and spiritual purification. It also highlights the transcendental nature of Allah and the unseen world, which are beyond human comprehension.


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