Tuesday, September 20, 2022



Islam is such a religion that emphasizes on the discharge of its responsibilities towards all  but in this era of modernity, the person is engaged only in serving his selfishness. Nowadays people are concerned only about their home and family. Despite being wealthy, people do not take care of their poor relatives. Every religion of the world teaches humanity / Islam considers it to be an important part of religion to fulfill its responsibility towards neighbors and relatives. Prophet Muhammad According to the statement - "If your neighbor is hungry and you go to sleep after eating, then you are not one of us."That is, you have been out of Islam if you have eaten and slept on your own without asking your neighbor to eat. According to the verse of the Qur'an - "Wa Zil Qurba, Wal Yatma, Wal Maskin, Wabnisabil" means first of all donate to your close relatives.But today the condition is that a Muslim does not even care about his real brother and these Muslims claim to be called a Muslim. The truth is that they are not Muslims but hypocrites and there is a painful punishment for them with Allah. Allah forgives those sins which are related to Him, but does not forgive those sins which are related to killing the rights of relatives.May I want to share such an incident in front of you here, seeing which you will feel the extent to which the Muslim has fallen.

Marriage takes place even in the kinship between us.  A marriage proposal came for my youngest brother from a distant kin.  Those people came to see our brother.  Brother liked them a lot.  My youngest brother is an electronic and communication engineer.  Those people also invited us all to come to their homes.  When we reached for dinner at his address, we saw that there is a huge house, half of which is displaying splendor and half of the cement is crumbling and the soil is falling.  We knocked on the old-timey door latch on a thick wooden termite-eating man, about 50 years old, whose hair was covered with mud.  The clothes were smelling and the clothes were torn and patched in many places.

We told the purpose of our visit and said that the address is the same.  So he said - yes yes brother, the door next to us is his.  And he walked four steps with us and rang the doorbell.  A very smart and handsome young man came out and asked him - "What is the matter uncle?"  He said - "We have come for Guddi's relationship." Then we were given a grand welcome.  Very good food was served.  My mother and younger brother asked who are these neighbors, then we came to know that he is their real uncle who has remained unmarried.  Later we also came to know from our middle brother that these people, despite being rich in wealth, do not take care of their younger brother, their real uncle and their brother-in-law.  His younger brother was not even well educated.  There is no light in his portion.  Tuition of children is his only source of income.  Sometimes he remains hungry for three days, but his nephew, niece, sister-in-law and brother are not going to ask him despite the wealth.

It was also learned from his younger brother that my middle brother had been helping him with money, doing his work etc.  Whereas my middle brother never mentioned this fact to me or anyone else in the house.

After knowing all this, my younger brother asked the girl why you have kept this condition of your uncle.  Why don't you keep them with you?  So the girl replied - "We have created this condition a little. If his luck is like this, then tell what we can do. He is a little child of our father." After hearing all this, the younger brother put this condition in front of all of us.  He is ready to marry that girl on the condition that he will have to eat four times a day, prepare breakfast for his uncle and feed them.  On this the girl said that uncle has become so shameless that even his son-in-law's money will start eating.  On this my brother said sorry, I feel shameless not your uncle but you guys.  We scolded the brother a lot and told him to keep quiet.  After that we returned to our home.

The brother refused to have a relationship in that house through a servant.  But they gave a lot of temptation of money and that girl's uncle also said but brother was not ready for any price.  In fact, in the eyes of us and the brother, the people of that family and that girl had completely fallen.  And it was not our intention to have a relationship in such a house, who behave like this with their relatives.

So you saw this was the condition of a Muslim's house. Although they were Muslims, who were punctual for five times of prayer, fasting for thirty days of Ramadan, but they were completely ignorant about human rights. Being a Muslim does not mean that you become a meat eater, but you should claim to be called a Muslim only when a person is a follower of the orders of Allah and His Prophet. I hope that this writing of mine will generate the understanding of their religion among the Muslims and they will follow Allah and His Messenger and fulfil the rights of their relatives also. Ameen!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Status of women in Islam

Islam is probably the only religion in the world in which, fourteen hundred years ago, it was talked about protecting and respecting the rights of women.  There was a time when the condition of women in the world (except India) was going from bad to worse.  People used to bury their daughters inside the ground as soon as they were born.  In such a critical time, Muhammad Sahab spoke about the protection and respect of women, without caring about the anger of the people.  Muhammad said that God has given equal rights to men and women.  Therefore, women should be respected, their rights should be protected and no work should be done against their will.  Muhammad told the people that he was saying this because of divine order.

Such an appeal of Muhammad became enraged a section of the society which did not consider women more than indulgences.  His people started inciting people against Muhammad.  The people of that class started saying that Muhammad's wife (God forgive) was an adulteress.  In order to refute this fact, the words of Surah Al-Noor of the Quran were descended on Muhammad, in which it was said that it is very sad to make such allegations on the most pious woman who has the status of the mother of the whole society and it is a grave insult to the woman.  On this, the influential people of that time said that well let's not worry, now do not accuse.  Then a great word appeared in which it was said that it will not be a big deal for you, but for us (God) it is a very heavy (very big) thing.  Those who have falsely accused a very pious woman without any doubt but without verifiable evidence, they should be caught by the collar and dragged to a public place and the Sharia judge should tell their misdeeds to the general public and publicly punished.  Make arrangements to do  Among those publicly punished was Abdullah bin Abi, a swindler who was the main accused of insulting the woman.  Declaring himself a Muslim but was actually a polytheist.  He was the first to level this allegation on a very pious woman and propagated it in the society.  There were also two male companions very close to Muhammad who were publicly punished, one of whom had also fought against the tyrants with Muhammad in the Jung-e-Badar.  But the divine order was paramount, so those companions were also punished.  Apart from this, a female sadhvi was also punished as "pious, innocent, innocent and ignorant of the false accusations leveled against her" (Surah Alnoor's Chapters 11-21).

Conclusion: Women are given a very high position in Islam.  A system has been given to raise voice against harassment of women and punish the guilty publicly.  Muslim women, arise, wake up and recognize your rights and do not suffer atrocities!